pg. 7
Possible Cause & Fixes
No dial tone when the
button is pushed:
Check to make sure the phone line connected between 900mHz and phone board
Audio is low from the
Speaker control needs to be adjusted.
Called Party says audio
is low:
Microphone control needs to be adjusted.
Audio is distorted from
the speaker:
Verify clean phone line going into Base Station.
When called party
hangs up, strobe
continues to flash for 1
Slow disconnecting signal from the phone company. This is considered normal
When called party
hangs up, strobe
continues to flash:
Phone company or phone system is not providing a disconnect signal. Contact
the appropriate party to make sure the disconnect signal is provided
Call station appears
non-functional. Strobe
does not flash. No audio
is heard from speaker
when button is pushed:
Check to make sure phone line is connected between cell unit and phone board
Verify 12V to SmartPhone Circuit board.
Make sure the speaker holes are not blocked
Make sure the microphone hole is not blocked
Push button may be nonfunctional. Short across Switch connector on SmartPhone
Verify dial tone on phone line going into Base Station and line comming out of
remote station.
Speaker giving feedback into Mic, adjust speaker down.
board to see if unit calls out.
2100-CD9 Series
Emergency Call Station Dimensional Specifications:
Body of Call Station 2100-CD9
T o t a l W e i g h t o f S t e e l :
52 lbs.
Thickness of Steel
36 in.
10 3/8 in.
8 in.
14 Gauge
Call Station