3 Playing
3.1 User Moves
You enter moves by giving the from-square and the to-square of a move, followed by the
key. The square keys change their meaning (rank / file) depending on whether a rank
or a file is expected.
For example, to start a game with e2-e4, you type E5 B2 E5 D4
. With the first key, a
file is expected, so E5 evaluates to "E". The following key means a rank, in this case the
second rank, so B2 gives "2".
There is no difference between entering a piece or a pawn move. So if you instead want to
begin the game with Ng1-f3, you enter G7 A1 F6 C3
Taking a piece does not require a special markup. The CT800 knows that the destination
square is occupied so that the move is automatically recognised as capture. This holds
also for taking a pawn "en passant".
Castling is treated as a pure king move e.g. from e1 to g1. The rook position will be
updated automatically.
Promoting a pawn means entering the from-square, the to-square and optionally the
promotion piece:
If you do not enter a specific promotion piece, a queen will be selected automatically.
Imagine that there is a black pawn on c2 and a white rook on d1. Black wants to take the
rook and promote the pawn to a knight. Then the sequence is C3 B2 D4 A1 D4
If you have made a typo before pressing the
key and want to correct it, press the
key. You can start over entering your move.
The CT800 checks whether an entered move conforms to the chess rules and will refuse
invalid moves.
After you have entered a valid move, the coordinate move notation will automatically be
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