5.3.4 Book
Allows to turn the opening book off or on. With active opening book, the first few moves
will be played instantly, choosing randomly among the stored moves. This leads to more
variety in the games and saves time in games with time controls.
Note: in the initial position, the first white ply will be a book move even when the book is
turned off. This is rooted in the time management which does not include this first white
5.3.5 Reset
Resets the CT800 to factory settings and erases any saved game. Afterwards, the CT800
will restart.
The factory settings are as follows:
Book: on.
Time control mode: time per move.
Time control details: 10 seconds per move.
Fischer delay: off.
Player bonus: 15 seconds.
Player factor:
Mate search depth: 4 moves.
Colour: CT800 starts as black.
Blur: off (no blurred evaluation).
Turbo: off (no overclocking).
Disp: contrast is 50%.
Light: automatic.
Beep: on (keyboard click and computer sounds).
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