Rasha Professional A/S 1800 Rustin Ave., Riverside CA, 92507
To achieve the maximum service life of the Arete you must regularly clean the Arete and test if it is
working correctly. If Arete not work for some reason then please contact Rasha Professional/Autho-
rized reseller.
Do not replace parts yourself; always consult Rasha Professional/Authrorized reseller if necessary.
The Arete is leaking
Check if the coupling of the gas hose is connected properly to the coupling of the Arete. If it
isn’t entirely secured then press it firmly. This’s only possible when there is no pressure on the hose.
If the problem persists, then consult customer service @ Rasha or Autorized reseller.
Only a small smoke plume is visible when the CO2 gas exits the Arete.
Visibility can vary due to air humidity. The output will be more visible when there is high absolute air
humidity or Co2 tank(use Co2 tank with siphon- keep tank upside down)
There is no white smoke plume visible when the CO2 gas exits the Arete.
You may not have the right carbon dioxide cylinders. Connect cylinders with liquid carbon dioxide
and a dip pipe to the Arete. In some cases the dip pipe may be broken. In that case replace the
carbon dioxide cylinder with another and inform your gas supplier about the cylinder with the
defective dip pipe.
The Arete is still malfunctioning after troubleshooting
Always contact your Reseller or the technical service of our company first in case of uncertainties,
questions about the Arete works or other issues with regard to the Arete