Dominion SX Quick Setup Guide
255-60-2010-00 RoHS
9. Add a domain. This is required to send SMTP messages.
Note: If DHCP is selected and the client computer used to
configure SX via crossover cable is running a DHCP
server, the SX will not be accessed at, but
instead at any IP address the configuring machine
10. The SX reboots.
11. Once it is rebooted, enter new IP address in a browser
and log in again using your new password.
12. Choose Setup > Date/Time.
a. Select your time zone from the drop-down menu in the
UTC Offset field.
b. Enter the date and time manually, or enter the IP
addresses of up to two Network Time Protocol (NTP)
c. When you are finished, click OK. The SX's clock is
now set.
13. Choose Setup > Port Configuration. You can now
configure each console port that has a target device
connected to it:
a. Click the checkbox next to a port with a target device
connected to it. If more than one target device will
have the exact same settings, you can select multiple
b. Click Edit to display the settings for the port(s) and
enter the information. See the user guide for details.
c. When finished, click OK and repeat for any other ports.
Configuring SX Using the Command Line Interface
To configure the SX using the CLI:
1. Connect a computer to the Terminal port on the SX.
This port is a DB9 male port on all models except those
that have 2 power connectors and 2 LAN interfaces.
These models have both RJ-45 connectors and DB9 male
port, such as SX model - DSXA-16-DL.
2. Open a terminal emulation program and connect to the
Make sure the communications parameters are set to
9600 bps, no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit.
3. When the Login prompt appears, enter the default
and password
. Use all
lowercase letters.
4. You are prompted to change the default password. Do so
now, and be sure to remember this password for future
5. At the admin > prompt, enter
and at the next
prompt enter
6. Give the SX an IP address, subnet mask, and gateway
address on your LAN.
a. At the admin > config > network > prompt, enter
interface enable true if lan1 ip <ip address>
mask <subnet mask> gw <gateway ip address>
7. You are prompted to reboot the SX. Enter
to reboot.
8. Log in again using your new password.
9. Give the device a name to help identify it and enter your
domain, which is required to send SMTP messages.
a. Enter
name unitname <DSX name> domain <domain
Up to 64 characters are supported for the name.
Spaces and special characters not supported.
10. You are prompted to reboot the SX. Enter
to start the
11. When the reboot is complete, log in again.
12. At the admin > prompt, enter
and at the next
prompt enter
13. At the admin > config > time > prompt, set the date and
time on the SX.
a. Enter
and find the number code that
corresponds to your time zone.
b. Enter
clock tz <timezone code> datetime
<"time string">
<timezone code>
is the time zone code and
<”time string”>
is the current date and time in
“YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" format (quotes included,
use 24-hour time).
clock tz 9 datetime “2007-03-15
14. Enter
to return to the top level prompt.
15. Next, enter
and then enter
at the next
16. You can now configure each console port that has a target
device connected to it.
a. Enter
config port <port number>
followed by these
additional parameters:
[port <number|range|*>] [name string] [bps
value] [parity <none|even|odd>]
[flowcontrol <none|hw|sw>] [detect
<true|false>] [escapemode <none|control>]
[escapechar char] [emulation type]
[exitstring <cmd[#delay;]>] [dpaip
ipaddress] [telnet port] [ssh port]
[alwaysactive <true|false>] [suppress
<none|all>] [sendbreak duration]
config port 1 name cisco1700 bps 9600
parity odd flowcontrol none emulation vt100
You can also use port ranges or the wildcard asterisk
*, such as
config port * bps 115200
This configures all ports for a communications speed
of 115200 bps.
config port 3-7 bps 115200
This configures ports 3 through 7 for 115200 bps.
config port 1,2,7-9 bps 115200