Dominion SX Quick Setup Guide
255-60-2010-00 RoHS
SX Connections, Ports and Indicators
Note that the image shown here is an example, so it may be
different from your SX model. See
SX Online Help
for images
of DC power connections and the various server ports.
AC unit diagram key
AC power outlet(s) and power on/off switch(s)
Internal modem (if available)
Terminal port/console port
Server ports
Reset button
Ethernet port
Unit status indicators
QS R ule
Power and Connect the SX
There are various SX models.
The model shown here contains two power outlets, one LAN
interface, and 32 server ports.
Your model may differ, but this does not affect the following
installation instructions.
1. After you have installed the SX at the rack, connect the
power cord(s) between the power connector on the SX
and an external power source(s).
If your device has two power connectors, you can connect
the second power connector to a backup power source.
2. Flip the power switch(s) to turn the SX device on.
3. The device performs a hardware and firmware self test.
The software boot sequence starts and is complete when
the light goes on and remains on.
4. Connect the modem (if needed).
5. Connect your target servers or other serially managed
devices to the server ports on the SX.
a. Connect one end of a standard Cat5 Ethernet cable to
one of the server ports on the SX.
b. Connect the other end to a Raritan Nulling Serial
ASCSDB25M) as appropriate.
c. Connect the adapter to the server port on the target
Important: Many Cisco and Sun devices have server ports
with non-standard RJ-45 connections. Most can be
connected to the SX with a “serial rollover cable.” This is
NOT a standard Ethernet cable or crossover Ethernet
cable. If you have misplaced the rollover cable that came
with your Cisco or Sun device, you can purchase one
from Raritan (Part Number CRLVR-15 or CRLVR-1).
QS R ule
Configure the SX
You can configure the SX using a web browser or a command
line interface (CLI).
Configuring the SX Using a Browser
To configure the SX using a web browser:
1. Connect a computer to the LAN interface on the SX using
a crossover Ethernet cable.
If your SX has two LAN interfaces, use LAN1.
2. Open a browser and enter this URL:
3. When the Login window appears, enter the default
and password
. Use all lowercase
4. You are prompted to change the default password. Do so
now, and be sure to remember this password for future
5. Choose Setup > Network.
6. In the Network Basic Settings panel, select an IP
configuration method (DHCP is enabled by default)
7. Give SX an IP address, subnet mask, and gateway
address on your LAN.
8. You can give the device a name to help identify it. Up to
64 characters are allowed, but special characters and
spaces are not supported.