RR5055 Blade Grinder
Range Road Enterprises Ltd
Box 944
Eckville AB T0M 0X0
Applications and Features
This tool is used for grinding band saw blades, it can also be used for the grinding of double
metal band saw blades, and it can grind both the tooth throat and the rear.
Technical Data
Saw blade width size 6 - 75mm
Grinding teeth range 2 - 30mm
Tooth grinding feed rate 0 - 63 teeth/min
Grinding head motor 250W110V60Hz
Feed motor 15W110V60Hz
Grinding wheel size φ150 φ32×10mm
Grinding wheel speed 2800RPM
Grinding wheel dressing
If the angle of the bevel on the grinding wheel is off from the angle of the saw tooth, it should
be dressed. Trimming can be done with a diamond pen, or a hard ceramic wheel can be used.
Grinding the back of the tooth
If the back of the tooth is to be ground, this can be achieved by adjusting the relative
positions of the cams 14 and 15. This step needs to be performed after the blade has been
installed onto the grinder. The specific operation is: stop state, loosen the screw on the cam 14,
and point the pointer on it to the scale 5, and then tighten the screw, then turn the cam by
hand to observe the contact between the back of the tooth and the grinding wheel when
pushing the tooth. If it is not in contact, loosen the screw again, so that the index of the
pointer on the cam 14 is increased. (If the contact is too tight, the index must be made
smaller.) When the cam is rotating (during the feed, for example), the front of the serration
and the tooth when the back side is in light contact with the grinding wheel, the adjustment is
basically in place. At this time, you can start the machine and observe.