Command reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
Query parameters:
MOPen | FOPen | MSHort | FSHort | MOSHort | MOSHort1 |
MOSHort2 | MOSHort3 | FOSHort | FOSHort1 | FOSHort2 |
FOSHort3 | MREFlect | FREFlect | MMTCh | FMTCh |
MSMatch | FSMatch
Standard type.
For more information see
Together with <StandardType> these parameters fully identify
the related standard (see
Number of the physical port for which the S-parameter data is
valid. Can be omitted if the data are valid for all ports.
Query only
<ConnectorType>, <CalKitName>[, <CalKitLabel>[, <SParameter>,
<PhysPort1>, <PhysPort2>]]
Reads the S-parameter data for a particular
cal kit standard previously loaded
from Touchstone file using
The cal kit is identified by its name and label.
Query parameters:
<TwoPortStandard> MMTHrough | MFTHrough | FFTHrough | MMLine | MMLine1 |
MMLine2 | MMLine3 | MFLine | MFLine1 | MFLine2 | MFLine3 |
FFLine | FFLine1 | FFLine2 | FFLine3 | MMATten | MFATten |
FFATten | MMSNetwork | MFSNetwork | FFSNetwork
Standard type.
For more information see
Together with <StandardType> these parameters fully identify
the related standard (see
S11 | S12 | S21 | S22
S-parameter of the 2-port standard.
Numbers of the physical ports for which the S-parameter data is
valid. Can be omitted if the data are valid for all port pairs.
Query only
commands control the system error cor-
VNA command reference