VNA GUI reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
Figure 10-18: Calibration Setting Wizard, Step 3: Calibration
In the upper part of the "Calibration" screen, the R&S
ZNL/ZNLE shows the sweep dia-
grams for the currently measured S-parameter. The lower part displays the calibrated
ports and standards and visualizes the measurement progress.
Calibration Sweep Diagrams
During the calibration sweep, each diagram contains a single S-parameter trace and a
typical result trace for the measured calibration standard.
The purpose of the typical result traces "Trc1"" and "Trc2" is to avoid connection errors
and to track hardware problems: if the correct standard type is measured, and every-
thing is properly connected, then the measured traces are expected to be similar to the
typical trace.
The S-Parameter traces are labeled P[
]_<standard type> S
, where
indicates the
input (test) port and
indicates the output port, e.g. P[1_2]_Unknown_Through S21.
Start Cal Sweep
The dock widget below the diagrams shows the calibrated ports and standards and vis-
ualizes the measurement progress.
Cal softtool