VNA GUI reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
Same Connector All Ports / Same Gender All Ports
Assigns the same connector type or gender to all selected physical ports. For some
multi-port calibration types, the port connector types must be equal, e.g. because they
require a Through standard with known characteristics.
Remote command:
Import Cal Kit...
Opens the "Import Calibration Kit" dialog that allows you to import a cal kit file. For
background information, see
Chapter, "Cal kit Files"
Remote command:
Go back to
Step 3: Calibration
Allows you to acquire error correction data for every required port (pair) and calibration
standard, where "required" depends on the selected ports and calibration type. On
"Apply", the R&S
ZNL/ZNLE calculates the system error correction (error terms) from
the measurement data of the standards and applies the result to the active channel.
Cal softtool