VNA GUI reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
Table 10-2: Effect of the operators on a complex quantity z = x + jy.
+, -, *, /
Basic arithmetic operations
Grouping parts of an expression
Lin Mag
|z| = sqrt ( x
+ y
dB Mag
dB Mag(z) = 20 * log|z| dB
x real
round(x) rounds x to the closest integer (away from zero for
x,y real
round(x+yj) = round(x)+round(y)j
Exponential, e.g. z
Phase φ (z) = arctan ( Im(z) / Re(z) )
Re, Im
x, y (Real and Imag)
log, ln
Common (base 10) or natural (base e) logarithm
Min, Max
Smaller or larger values of all points of two traces, e.g.
StimVal *)
Stimulus value*)
tan, atan, sin, asin, cos, acos
Direct and inverse trigonometric functions.
*) The operand "StimVal" can be used for all sweep types. Please note that – as with
all user math operands – only the numerical value without unit is processed in the user
math formula.
In frequency sweeps "StimVal" provides the stimulus frequency in Hz.
In power sweeps, "StimVal" provides the voltage in V that results from the source
power in dBm. To obtain the correct source power in dBm (for "dB Mag" trace for-
must be enabled. Note that, due to the conversion
into a dBm value, the source power depends on the reference impedance of the
port associated with the measured wave quantity, to be set in the "Balanced Ports"
In time sweeps, "StimVal" is the stimulus time in s.
In CW mode sweeps, "StimVal" is the number of the point.
Remote command:
Result is Wave Quantity
"Result is Wave Quantity" controls the conversion and formatting of the mathematic
This switch is available for
trace data (Complex Data) only.
If "Result is Wave Quantity" is enabled, the analyzer assumes that the result of the
mathematical expression represents a voltage. Examples for voltage-type expres-
sions are all terms proportional to a wave quantity (e.g. 1.1*Data, if a wave quantity
is measured) or to a stimulus value of a power sweep (R&S
ZNL only).
If "Show as": "Power" is selected in the "More Wave Quantities" dialog, the result is
converted into a linear power before the selected trace format is applied. Otherwise
no conversion is performed, and "dB Mag" results are referenced to 1 μV.
Trace softtool