Instrument Functions
User Manual 1334.5985.02 ─ 02
Figure 5-1: Preview screenshot
Managing Datasets
The R&S
ZNH provides functionality to manage (e.g. save, restore) datasets available
in its internal memory or an external storage device.
The R&S
ZNH supports various types of datasets. The instructions below primarily
describe the management of datasets that you create on the R&S
ZNH during mea-
surements, for example measurement results and configurations. Note that these data-
sets have the file extension
Datasets with the file extension
are an image of measurement results and config-
urations. Thus, you can subsequently reproduce the context of the measurement.
Using the R&S InstrumentView software, you can use the datasets for documentation
purposes or post-processed it for a more detailed analysis later on. Note that datasets
also contain calibration data if calibration has been performed.
The R&S
ZNH also supports various other types of datasets or templates. Such tem-
plates mainly contain additional requirements for a particular measurement, like limit
lines or channel tables.
Creating and editing of these templates are only possible with the functionality provi-
ded by the R&S InstrumentView software package. Note that the file extension
depends on the application of the template (for example, a template containing a chan-
nel table has the extension
Managing Datasets