Performing Measurements
Getting Started 1178.6456.02 ─ 05
The analyzer performs a calibration sweep for the measured quantity S
. The
magnitude and phase of the result is displayed in two diagrams, together with the
expected typical result for a Through standard. The similarity of real and expected
traces indicates that the Through standard has been properly connected. After the
ZNA has completed the calibration sweep and calculated the correction data,
the "Apply" button is enabled.
7. Select "Apply" to close the wizard and apply the system error correction to the cur-
rent channel.
A "Cal" label appears in the trace list.
To proceed with the measurement, remove the Through standard and connect the DUT
Evaluating Data
The analyzer provides various tools to optimize the display and analyze the measure-
ment data. For instance, you can use markers to determine maxima and minima on the
trace, and change the display format to obtain information about the group delay of the
transmitted wave.
1. Select Trace – [Marker] > "Markers" > "Mkr 1".
This places marker "M1" to its default position (center of the sweep range). A
marker symbol (triangle) appears on the trace, a marker info field in the upper right
corner of the diagram. The marker info field displays the stimulus value (frequency)
and response value (magnitude of the transmission coefficient converted to a dB
value) at the marker position.
2. Select Trace – [Marker], activate the "Marker Search" softtool tab and activate
"Min" search.
The marker jumps to the absolute minimum of the curve in the entire sweep range.
The marker info field shows the coordinates of the new marker position.
Transmission S-Parameter Measurement