Space Vehicle Configuration
Satellite Navigation
User Manual 1178.6379.02 ─ 01
The value is configurable, if arbitrary data is used, e.g. "Nav Msg Control = Edit" and
"Nav Msg Type = All 0".
Remote command:
SV signal configuration table
Table with one or more rows, one row per enabled signal ("Simulation Configuration >
Systems&Signals" >
Signal Power Offset ← SV signal configuration table
Adds power offset for the selected signal.
If more than one signal or bands are activated, the power relation between the signals
and between the frequency bands is set automatically, as specified for the GNSS sys-
tem. You can change these default values.
Signal-specific power offset values are set relative to the satellites power level, see
"About satellite's (SV) power calculation"
Remote command:
on page 265
(etc. for the other GNSS systems)
Copy Power Settings to,SV-ID
Applies the power settings of the current satellite to the selected or to all SV-IDs of the
same GNSS system.
The following settings are considered:
Remote command:
(etc. for the other GNSS systems)
9.2 Modulation Control Settings
1. Select "GNSS > Simulation Configuration > Signals&Systems".
2. Enable the GNSS system for that you want to control the signal modulation, for
a) "System > GLONASS > On"
b) "System > Galileo > On"
Modulation Control Settings