Instrument Functions
User Manual 5601.1343.02 ─ 04
5. Set the desired voltage for OPP.
You can set a value from 0 W to 33.6 W.
The R&S NGE100B turns off the respective channel when the measured power
exceeded the preset value.
Fuse delay and fuse linking functions provide the flexibility to handle a fuse tripped
event when it occurs. When a fuse tripped event triggered, the affected channels are
turned off according to the settings configured in the fuse delay and fuse linking.
The fuse delay function is intended to ignore the current peaks set above the current
limit that occur during the time set in the fuse delay. This prevents the fuse to be trig-
gered in case of a capacitive load.
With fuse linking function, it allows you to logically interlink channels with their elec-
tronic fuses. During operation, if the fuse trips, all channels interlinked with this channel
will be turned off. See
Chapter 5.4.3, "Activating Fuse"
The fuse is activated via the
key on the front panel. See
1. Select "Output > Fuse" menu item.
The R&S NGE100B displays the "Fuse" dialog. See
Figure 5-15: Fuse dialog
2. Set "Fuse Delay" to a desire value.
You can set a value from 0 s to 10 s in a 0.01 s step size.
3. Configure the "Fuse Linking" setting.
The R&S NGE100B provides the following options:
Example for channel 1, the available options are as follows:
● "Ch 2": Ch 2 is linked to Ch 1. If Ch 1 fuse tripped, Ch 2 will be turned off.
● "Ch 3": Ch 3 is linked to Ch 1. If Ch 1 fuse tripped, Ch 3 will be turned off.
● "Ch 2 & 3": Ch 2 and Ch 3 are linked to Ch 1. If Ch 1 fuse tripped, Ch 2 and Ch
3 will be turned off.
Advanced Functions