GUI reference
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
In case the port number conventions of the loaded two-port Touchstone file differ from
network analyzer conventions (port 1 on the left, i.e. on the analyzer side; port 2 on the
right, i.e. on the DUT side), it is possible to "Swap Gates". The analyzer will inter-
change the port numbers (e.g. S
--> S
) when loading the file.
The loaded file is stored in the active recall set. Recall sets contain the full
(de-)embedding data so that they can be transferred to other instruments.
Remote command:
Fixture Tool
The "Fixture Tool" section is only available for deembedding 2-port data networks.
Its controls allow you to select and run a third-party fixture modeling tool (see
ter, "Fixture modeling and deembedding"
on page 215) and to use its results
for single-ended deembedding.
If the selected fixture modeling tool is not installed on the instrument, the "Run Tool"
button is disabled/grayed out. Otherwise it opens the
guides you through the fixture modeling.
Use the "Info" button to get additional information about the selected tool.
Fixture modeling dialog
Allows you to model a test fixture using the selected fixture modeling tool and to deem-
bed selected ports using the generated touchstone files.
Supported fixture modeling tools
The following fixture modeling tools are supported:
Chapter 4.7.14, "Eazy de-embedding based on IEEE 370"
Chapter 4.7.15, "In-situ de-embedding"
Chapter 4.7.16, "Smart fixture de-embedding"
Channel – [Offset
Embed] > "Single Ended" / "Balanced" > "Run Tool"
Offset Embed softtool