Measurements and Result Displays
User Manual 1179.4363.02 ─ 01
Spot noise vs tune measurements:
Transient analysis
"Frequency (Transient Analysis)"
............................................................................................. 89
Allan Variance / Allan Deviation
.................................................................................... 92
Frequency (VCO Characterization)
................................................................................................. 95
Frequency (Transient Analysis)
Noise Diagram
The "Noise Diagram" result display shows the power level of the noise over a variable
frequency offset from the carrier frequency.
The unit of both axes in the diagram is fix. The x-axis always shows the offset frequen-
cies in relation to the carrier frequency on a logarithmic scale in Hz. It always has a
logarithmic scale to make sure of an equal representation of offsets near and far away
from the carrier. The range of offsets that the x-axis shows is variable and depends on
you have defined and the scope of the x-axis that you have
The y-axis always shows the noise power level contained in a 1 Hz bandwidth in rela-
tion to the level of the carrier.
Result Displays