SM1 I&M MANUAL/EN/11.16.2010
This document and the information contained herein, is the exclusive property of R&M MATERIALS HANDLING, INC. and represents a non-public, confidential and proprietary trade
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NOTE: See Figure 14
CAUTION: Make sure the motor is not running before placing tool on the nut to adjust it.
Do not touch any moving components.
CAUTION: The slip-clutch generates heat when slipping. ITEMS 9 & 10 absorb this heat.
When these items become too hot, clutch adjustment may be difficult due to unstable
behavior of friction surfaces. If this happens, allow brake & clutch assembly to cool before
trying to re-adjust slip-clutch.
CAUTION: Decreasing torque too much when adjusting slip-clutch will allow a suspended
load to free-fall when trying to lift. If this occurs, release the motion button and the brake
will engage to stop and hold the load.
Slip Clutch Adjustment after Installation
1. Hook a load of at least 110 percent but not more than 125 percent of nameplate capacity.
2. Remove brake cover.
3. Raise load at slow speed and fast speed to test slip clutch operation.
4. Use a socket (10 mm), slide it over nut (item 2 - Figure 14).
5. Turn nut in required direction:
INCREASE CAPACITY - Turn nut clockwise to increase the torque.
DECREASE CAPACITY - Turn nut counterclockwise to decrease the torque AND then clockwise ¼
6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until load can be barely lifted in fast speed. The slip clutch is now adjusted.
CAUTION: DO NOT OVERHEAT. If overheated, clutch may not adjust due to instability of friction
7. Once adjustment is completed, replace brake cover.
8. Check function of clutch at 100 percent of nameplate-capacity while in fast speed.
NOTE: The slip clutch / torque limiter is a safety device to prevent overloading of the hoist. This
device is not intended for use as means to measure the weight of load being lifted.