Rx-URME-007 Rev - -2
- Preliminary -
PMC665 Hardware Reference and Installation Manual
Page 2
This manual describes the design and operational features of the PMC665 Intelligent Dual
Ethernet card, as well as installation procedures for attaching the card on a host Single Board
Computer (SBC).
This manual is intended to guide installation, configuration and maintenance of the Ethernet
Switch product.
The information in this manual has been carefully reviewed and is believed to be entirely accurate.
shall not be liable nor responsible for errors contained herein.
reserves all rights to make any changes to improve the reliability, function or design,
without any notice.
This manual uses the following conventions:
Press the key that executes commands or terminates a sequence. This key is labeled
Return or Enter depending on your keyboard.
While you hold down the Ctrl key, press any other key. RAMiX monitor commands are
case sensitive. You must enter commands in the correct case, as printed in the text.
Courier type
Indicates examples of system output or user input.
In commands and examples,
indicate a value (e.g., the name of a file) that you
should supply.
[ ]
Square brackets in command descriptions enclose the optional command qualifiers. Do
not type the brackets when entering information enclosed in the brackets.
A vertical bar in command descriptions indicates that you have a choice between two or
more entries. Select one entry unless the entries are optional.
{ }
Braces indicate that you are required to specify one (and only one) of the enclosed
options. Do not type the braces when you enter the command.
( )
Parentheses enclose a set of options that must be specified together.
Hexadecimal values are indicated with the 0x prefix.
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