I. Press RUN TIMES.Valve
(VI) will be displayed and
run time in
minutes will flash. If there is no run time for valve I, OF will flash.
2. Press +/ON or -/OFF to adjust the length of time in minutes that
you want the valve to run. If you want to turn off the valve, set the
time for 00 minutes.The valve number and OF will be displayed.
Press NEXT to enter the data and advance to the next valve.
3. Repeat step 2 for valves 2 through 6
4. After pressing NEXT for the last time, the timer will move to the
RUN mode.
The current time will be displayed.
In the RUN mode, the timer will automatically water the programmed
During a watering cycle, the valve number and run time in minutes
(e.g.,Vl: I5 min) will be displayed until the watering time has counted down to
00. After the last valve has completed its watering cycle, the current time will
once again be displayed.
During operation, you will notice a five-second delay between the
time one valve shuts and the next valve
is to prevent water pressure
damage to your system.
You can turn off watering during rainy periods, or anytime watering is not
required, without losing your programmed watering schedules. If you press
-/OFF while watering is in progress, you will cancel the watering cycle in
that time only. Watering will resume at the next start time. If you
press -/OFF a second time, you will then place the timer in the RAIN OFF
mode and all programmed start times will be suspended.
To manually turn off watering when the timer is not running a
watering cycle:
I. Press -/OFF. OFF will be flashing.
2. Press +/ON to return to RUN mode and resume your normal
watering schedule.
You can manually water any zone at any time when extra watering is required,
e.g., during especially hot or dry weather.
Press MANUAL START. (VI OF) will be displayed with the valve
run time (OF) flashing.
2. Press +/ON or -/OFF to set the number of minutes you want the
valve to water. If you don’t want a valve to water, set the run time to
00 minutes. Press NEXT to enter the data and advance to the next
3. Repeat step 2 to manually turn on valves 2 through 6 (valves will
be turned on in sequence).
4. After valves have completed their watering run time, the
controller will revert back to the RUN mode.
The current time will be displayed.
To stop MANUAL START during its cycle, press -/OFFWatering will
stop, and the timer will revert back to the RUN mode.
If there is a power outage and you have either no battery or a dead battery in
the timer, the timer will automatically revert to the default program when
power resumes.With the default program, each zone will be watered for IO
minutes every day, starting at 400 a.m., until a new schedule is programmed.
The RJ6 timer is equipped with an electronic fuse which will identify a shorted
valve, turn off the valve control circuit on the shorted valve, and proceed with
the next valve.At the end of the watering cycle, the display will not revert to
showing the current time, but will display the word BAD, followed by the valve
number of the shorted valve.
Once the valve has been repaired (be sure to unplug the transformer
when repairing the valve), plug the transformer back in, press any key, and a nor-
mal display will reappear. If a scheduled watering time comes up before a bad
valve can be repaired, your regular automatic program will start, and the timer
will continue to bypass the shorted valve.
The current time will be displayed