Technical Manual
If the
™ is joined to a meter, then press one of the buttons until the
Current Time
screen is shown. If it is not joined to a meter, the
™ will be very busy trying to
find and connect; this will slow down the communication on the serial port. To prevent
this, put the
™ into Configuration Mode by simultaneously pressing and
releasing both buttons. This will temporarily halt the meter search activity until it times
out after 1 minute. If you keep the unit in Configuration Mode, it will speed up the
download of the Firmware Update.
Click the “Start Update” button in the “Firmware Update” window. You will see the line,
“Update Firmware Started” appear in the lower half of the window. The progress bar
across the center of the window will fill over and over, many times. It will take at least
16 minutes to load the new firmware. Do not unplug the device during this process.
When the download
is done, the message, “Firmware download complete; switching to
new firmware” will appear at the bottom of the window. The device will then be reset,
and the new firmware version will be verified. When you see the message, “Firmware is
x.x.xx…”, then the process is complete.