ICOP Embedded 386SX PC/104 AIO CPU Module User's Manual
; value
call writechip ; to [400000h]
mov ax, 0003ah ; 30.5*sec*400000h= 128 sec
call writechip
mov ax, 00039h
call writechip
mov ax, 03838h ; Select “system reset” as
; timeout action
call readchip
and al, 00001111b
or al, 11010000b
xchg ah, al
call writechip
mov ax, 03737h ; Enable watchdog timer
call readchip
or al, 01000000b
xchg ah, al
call writechip
mov ax, 00013h ; Lock config. register
call writechip
mov ax, 04c00h
int 21h
main endp
readchip proc
out 22h, al
in al, 23h