ESP-LXD 2-Wire Decoder Control System Installation & Troubleshooting Guide
Advantages of a 2-Wire Decoder System
An ESP-LXD 2-Wire Decoder Controller provides transparent automatic control of the irrigation
system. There are fewer above ground obstructions, making a 2-wire decoder system ideal for an
application in which the environmental elegance of the site is to remain undisturbed. Automatic
irrigation control can be installed on a site with fewer above ground enclosures. The higher station
capacity of the ESP-LXD controller (up to 200 stations) can replace multiple traditionally-wired
controllers (usually a maximum of 48 stations) and required power drops.
Designed for Protection from the Elements
The field components of a Rain Bird ESP-LXD 2-Wire Decoder System are designed for underground
burial, so they are all completely weatherproof. This makes a 2-wire decoder system a perfect
application for a site that can be affected by flooding. Anywhere that an automatic control system
can be damaged by the elements of nature a 2-wire decoder system can be buried without fear of
Vandal Resistant
Since all the 2-wire decoders are underground, it is an ideal solution to the problem of vandal
damage on an irrigation system. On a site where vandalism is a concern, a 2-wire decoder system
allows all of the field components to be put underground and out of sight in potentially lockable
valve boxes, therefore, out of the reach of vandals. A single 2-wire cable can replace as many as 200
individual wires in a traditionally-wired control system making it a much lower target for copper wire
Flexible Installation and Simple Expansion
A Rain Bird ESP-LXD 2-Wire Decoder Controller System controls the field decoders through a
2-wire path interconnecting the controller and all the decoders. This 2-wire path carries both the
communication and power to operate the decoders and the irrigation valves. 2-wire decoders
can be added to the field in any type of layout desired. This flexible installation simplifies the
installation process, and also allows the installation to be done in multiple phases. When additional
areas are being prepared for irrigation, they can be connected to the rest of the system simply by
splicing into the two-wire path on the existing layout. If a valve needs to be added simply wire
the new valve to a 2-wire decoder, wire the decoder to the existing 2-wire path, and program the
address for this decoder into the controller. This provides for simple expansion or changes to the
decoder system in the future.