ESP-LXD 2-Wire Decoder Control System Installation & Troubleshooting Guide
ESP-LXD 2-Wire Decoder Control System Diagnostics
The ESP-LXD Controller includes multiple diagnostic functions to help you troubleshoot and
pinpoint the source of a problem. Refer to section C / Systems Diagnostics in the ESP-LXD Controller
Installation, Programming & Operation Manual for step-by-step instructions to use the diagnostic
Tools and equipment
An accurate “as-built” showing wire path and decoder locations, the number and type of the
decoders on each wire path, and decoder addresses
Filled out ESP-LXD Controller Programming Guide with decoder addresses and station/MV/
sensor assignments
A Volt/Ohm Meter (multi-meter) capable of reading 0 to 50 volts AC/DC and resistance from 0 to
1,000,000 Ohms
A Clamp Meter for measuring AC current with a precision of 1.0 mA (milliamp).
Wire tracing and fault finding equipment
Spare system components and tools including: spare FD-Series Decoders, SD-210 Sensor
Decoders, 3M DBR/Y-6 wire splice kits, wire strippers, DPU-210 Decoder Programming Unit
Calculating the total system mA (milliamp) draw
Each single address FD-Series Field Decoder (FD101, FD102) draws 0.5mA
Each multi-address FD-Series Field Decoder (FD202, FD401, FD601) draws 1.0 mA
Add up the total decoders of each type for each wire path and calculate the wire path mA draw
Add the mA for each wire path together for the total system mA draw
Types of field wiring issues
Broken wire
Short circuit
Ground fault
• A majority of field wiring issues are caused by poor wire splices! Use only 3M DBR/Y-6 Wire
Splice Kits. All splices should be made in splice boxes.
• If the 2-Wire Path is Looped, disconnect the loop half way out before troubleshooting