To replace the trip collar and bearing washers, lock the body of sprinkler in a vise, making sure the
sprinkler arm is not touching the vise. Insert a file into nipple slot (figure A) or use a bearing wrench.
Rotate file counterclockwise to unscrew nipple. Clean nipple in a solvent if necessary, to remove cor-
rosion and dirt before installing washer.
To replace the arm or arm spring, you will need to disassemble the top portion of the sprinkler.
Grasp the pin at the top of the sprinkler with a pair of large diagonals or side cutting pliers and pry
out (See Figure B). Take note of the way the arm spring is held in place. Use a pair of needle-nosed
pliers to remove the spring.
To replace trip assembly, grasp trip shaft (See Figure C) with a pair of pliers and remove. Attach the
"E" ring to the end of the new trip shaft
that does not have vertical grooves
. Install the lower trip
and the upper trip on the trip shaft. Insert the bent end of the new trip spring into the small hole in
the upper trip, and slip the other end of the spring into the small "U" notch in the lower trip. Insert
new trip shaft into the sprinkler (Figure C). Gently tap in until there is a small clearance between the
trips. When finished, the lower trips should "click" when pushed back and forth.
Removing the fulcrum pin
Figure B
Fulcrum Pin
Pry Down
Trip Spring
Upper Trip
Trip Wash-
“E” Ring
Changing the Trip Mechanism
Make bend such that
spring will pivot freely
and cut off excess.
Installing Trip Collars
Figure D
Flat Collars:
Install the round wire spacer
onto the bearing, then install
the new friction collars.
Round Collars:
Discard the round wire
spacer, then install the new
friction collars.
How to replace friction collars and
bearing washer
Figure A