RailKing 2-8-4 Berkshire Steam Engine
Set Up
There are a few simple steps you must take before operating this RailKing
1. You should prime the operating smoke unit with smoke fluid before
operating. Add 15-20 drops of smoke fluid through the smokestack, then
gently blow into the stack to eliminate any air bubbles in the fluid. See Fig. 4
on pg. 10.
2. If you choose not to prime the unit with fluid, turn the smoke unit switch
located under the engine to the OFF position (Fig. 5 on pg 10). Running the
engine without a primed smoke unit may cause damage. See the “ProtoSmoke
Unit Operation” section of this book for more information on smoke unit
3. You should lubricate all side rods and linkage components and pickup
rollers to prevent them from squeaking. Use light household oil and follow the
lubrication points marked “L” in Fig. 2 on p. 8. Do not over-oil. Use only a
drop or two on each pivot point.
4. Put your engine on the track and insert the reverse unit plug that extends out
of the tender into the receptacle at the back of the engine. WARNING: DO
ENGINE; IT MAY CAUSE SERIOUS DAMAGE. Look at the bottom of the
engine and tender where each will have a color-coded stamp. If they match
you may connect those two pieces; if not, don’t.
5. Connect the draw bar between the engine and tender. If there are two holes
in the draw bar, the hole located farthest from the tender is for the minimum
track operation, such as O-31 circles of track. The second hole is for O-72 or
larger operation.
At this point, you are ready to begin running your engine.