This manual is written in accordance with available information and its contents
are subject to changes without notice. Raiing has made best effort to guarantee its
contents accurately reliable when we write this instruction booklet. However, the
company does not assume liability of the loss and damage which are caused by
omissions, inaccuracies or typographical errors in this manual. Software upgrading
causes discrepancies in this manual, software shall prevail. When product improves or
technology changes, you may visit the company technical support website to inquire
related information.
The Bluetooth® word mark, figure mark combination mark, and Bluetooth Smart and
Bluetooth Smart Ready marks are all trademarks that are owned by the Bluetooth SIG
and any use of such marks by Raiing is under license. Other trademarks and trade
names belong to their respective owners.
Copyright Statement
1. The EMC of the product is up to standard of IEC60601-1-2.
2. The material that contacts skin is nontoxic, nonirritating and up to standard of
ISO10993-1,-5, -10.
© Raiing Medical Company all rights reserved, and it retains final right to interpret and
revise this handbook and this statement.
Copyright of this manual belongs to Raiing Medical Company. Without the prior written
permission, no company or individual is allowed to reproduce, copy or translate this
manual and any information contained therein.