Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL)
The STEL is the average reading of the gas
concentration for the last 15 minutes .
The STEL reading does not appear
until 15 minutes have elapsed .
Time Weighted Average (TWA)
The TWA is the accumulated reading of the
gas concentration since the monitor was
turned on, divided by 8 hours .
Peak Reading (PEAK)
The peak reading is the highest reading since
the monitor was turned on .
The display switches back and forth
between “P” and the actual peak reading .
If the preset alarm limits are exceeded, the
monitor goes into alarm, and you should leave
the contaminated area immediately .
for the preset limits.
Turning the Monitor OFF
Hold the button down, through the “5…4… 3…
2… 1… OFF” sequence .
The monitor is off when the display is blank .