NeutronRAE II
The default valuees are 005.8 for both the
Gamma CF and the Neutron CF. In Safety Mode,
there are two absolute Gamma alarms: Gamma Low
and Gamma Hi. These are set in cps, where 1 cps is
equal to 1
R/h, or 0.01
Sv/h. The Neutron alarm
remains in Search Mode at all times.
Press the MODE button to step through the digits
from left to right. Use the SET button to increment
each digit (from 0 through 9).
Select Save to save changes or Quit to discard changes.
To exit Alarm Set, step through the options using the
MODE button until you see Quit. Press the SET button
to exit Alarm Set, and then step through the Main
Menu until you see Quit. Press SET to exit Program
mode and return to Normal Operating Mode.
Datalog Set
Select Datalog Set to change any of the following
datalog parameters:
Clear Data
Datalog Period
Datalog Type