Tailoring Your User Experience | 23
RADVISION | User Guide for SCOPIA XT5000 Series Version 3.0
Step 3
Select General under Call-Answer.
Figure 4-4
The call-answer settings
Step 4
Set Video Privacy to Yes.
Step 5
Select Save.
Configuring the SCOPIA XT Series to Enter the Local Presentation Mode Automatically
Local presentation mode is an XT Series feature that allows to easily connect a PC laptop to the
DVI connector of the XT Codec Unit for having a presentation or any other PC content immediately
available on the monitors. When in the local presentation mode, the system does not accept
incoming calls automatically. When an incoming call is received, the local presentation mode is
suspended. The original video source and graphics are restored, and system displays the prompt
allowing you to choose how to handle the call (accept/reject/do not disturb).
You can configure your XT Series so that it enters the local presentation mode automatically.
When configured so, the system starts presenting the moment you connect a PC to the DVI
connector on the XT Codec Unit if there is no active call.
If the PC resolution is not supported, the system suggests the maximum supported resolution for
the PC/laptop:1440x1080p or 1920x1080p.
When accessing the local presentation mode, the current selection of the live camera is saved;
the video input switches to DVI and the audio settings associated to DVI are automatically used.
You can also enter the local presentation mode manually by pressing the Presentation button on
the XT Remote Control Unit.