EPC-6A Hardware Reference
Enable FBD recovery when the system cannot boot to a DOS-compatible operating system.
Perform the force update flash recovery process by connecting a null modem serial cable
between the EPC-6A’s COM1 port and a source computer on which is installed an SCP
that supports the Xmodem protocol. The SCP should also support terminal emulation, as
the source computer serves only as a remote console during the flash recovery process.
The SCP dictates necessary cabling between the source computer and the EPC-6A,
however, the only RS-232 signals required by the EPC-6A are Tx, Rx, and GND.
Power up the EPC-6A and execute the SCP on the source computer. Press the space bar
repeatedly to invoke the autobaud capability, which automatically sets the baud rate for
you. Set up the SCP to communicate with no parity, eight data bits, and 1 stop bit. The
SCP should establish a straight-through serial communication link with the EPC-6A
COM1 port. The EPC-6A boot block contains resident Xmodem code necessary to
establish communication with the SCP, serially download the images to flash, and
re-program the FBD.
Once the BIOS configures the communication port, the EPC-6A is ready to synchronize
with the source computer through Xmodem. The EPC-6A receives no data from the
source computer via the serial port until synchronization is complete.
When synchronization is complete and the force update flash recovery process is ready to
begin, you must enter one of the following commands to define how the process occurs:
Reflashes the entire FBD (except the boot block).
Reflashes the FBD boot block.
Reflashes the system and video BIOS images.
Ignores the force recovery jumper and continues booting the system BIOS.
Prints help messages that explain the FBD, BB, and BIOS commands.
Reflashes the RFA.
Restores factory default values to CMOS. Use this command if a non-bootable
CMOS configuration has been saved.
The force update flash recovery process will not begin unless you enter a command. When
you enter the FBD, BB, or BIOS commands, code in the boot block automatically initiates
the reflashing process. The SCP indicates the status of the recovery process while it
occurs, displaying the activities of erasing and rewriting each image.
When the force update flash recovery process is complete and the FBD is recovered, the
program issues the statement “flash recovery successful.” Power down the EPC-6A and
remove the serial interface cable. Also remove the force update jumper at JP2 if the force
update process was not initiated by a corrupt image. Remove the write-enable jumpers if
Figure B-2. Null Modem Cable Connection
Source computer
serial port
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