D6680 Installation Guide
© 2003 Radionics
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All Installations
Install the D6600 Communications Receiver/Gateway in accordance with NFPA 70, NFPA 72 and the local
Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).
Figure 5: Mounting Holes for D6680
UL Installations Fire Alarm
The D6680 Ethernet Adapter is suitable for
Central Station Protective Signaling when it is
installed and used in compliance with NFPA 72
and ANSI/NFPA 70. Installation limits for Digital
Alarm Communicator Receivers (DACR) are
under the jurisdiction of your local authority.
For UL Listed Fire Installations, equipment
between Ethernet Interface Modules and the
D6680 is required to be UL Listed Information
Technology Equipment.
Mounting in a Separate Enclosure
Required for UL Central Station Protective
Signaling, the D6680 must be mounted in a
separate enclosure like the AE1 (grey) or the
AE2 (red).
Before installing the D6680 in the AE1 or AE2
enclosure, the correct mounting holes must be
found on the back wall of the enclosure. Only
these holes line up correctly to allow the D6680
to be secured with two screws.
Once the holes are found, proceed to mount the
1. Place the D6680 against the back wall of the
2. Line up the side mounting holes on the
D6680 with the enclosure mounting holes
indicated in Figure 5.
3. Insert the two screws provided and slowly
tighten them down until the D6680 is
securely mounted to the enclosure (refer to
Figure 6).
It is recommended the enclosure be mounted on
a vertical surface, BEFORE installing the
module. All wires within the enclosure are power
limited and supervised.
D8004 Transformer Enclosure
The D8004 Transformer Enclosure protects the
AC plug-in transformer and ensures that it
remains securely fixed to the AC wall outlet. The
D8004 Transformer Enclosure may be required
for certain applications, the most common being
fire alarms. Consult your AHJ for installation
The D8004 is a direct replacement for the AE-
Figure 6: D6680 in an AE1/AE2 Enclosure