Wing Mixing Type Selection
With the programmable mix (previously described) the user determines the two channels to be mixed. The wing mixing
function is another mix that may be used, but the channels mixed are predetermined. There are three different wing
mixing functions to select from:
*If necessary, use the Servo Reversing function to achieve the correct direction of servo throws.
FLPR- Flaperon mixing
This function allows the ailerons to be used both as ailerons and as flaps. The flap control dial (CH 6) operates the flap
function. To use flaperon mixing both ailerons must be operated by separate servos.
To activate flaperon mixing:
1. Connect the aileron servo in the right wing to channel 1 (aileron) in the receiver and
connect the aileron servo in the left wing to channel 6 (flaps) in the receiver.
2. Enter the programming mode. Access the “FLPR ” screen with the MODE key.
You cannot set “Flaperon ” mixing when “Elevon ” mixing has already been set. In order to
enable “Flaperon ” mixing, you first need to cancel “Elevon ” mixing. However, it is
allowed to use “Flaperon” and “V-Tail” mixing simultaneously.
3. Push the DATA INPUT lever upward. This will cause the flashing “INH ” display to
change to a flashing “ON ” display. Now the mixing is on.
4. If needed to set ailerons differential. Press the SELECT key to display the flashing “%”
sign. Use the DATA INPUT lever to set the percentage of ailerons differential from -100%
to +100% (The “-” direction indicates decreasing amount of movement toward the
upward from the aileron surface, while “+” direction indicates decreasing amount of
movement toward the downward from the aileron surface.)
5. Once this mix has been activated, move the servos to their full extremes to make certain they are not overdriving the
controls. If necessary, adjust the linkages to achieve the correct control throws.
FLTR - Flap trim
The Flap Trim function is used to specify the amount of flap travel produced moving the flap control (the Flap control
dial). As normal flap control dial will be inhibited to use if the flaperon function is activated, the Flap Trim function
should be activated if you need to control flap by Flap control dial.
To activate flap trim:
1. Enter the programming mode. Access the “FLTR” screen with the MODE key.