RadioLink Electronic Ltd
and flash. The flashing time (the interval between two flashes) of the lights flashing will vary according to the
different prompts of the system.
COOL 9030 ESC indicates the status of the system not only by the two indicator lights, but also by the vibration
and sound principle of the motor. The combination of the two ways achieves the sound and light prompt
function of the ESC system. There are three sound prompt states of the motor, including short beep, long beep,
and tone beep state. The number of beeps and beep intervals in the three prompt states will vary according to
different prompts of the system.
At the same time, the sound of the motor and the indicator light of this ESC system can work independently or
coordinately. There is only motor sound prompt or only light prompt when in some status of the system
(independently), while there are both motor sound prompt and indicator light prompt when in some other status
of the system (coordinately).
5.1 Motor sound
When the device is started normally, the red and green indicators light should be always on, and the motor will
make beep sound to prompt self-check, battery type report, and operation allowed in sequence (as shown in
the table below). If the sound of the motor is incomplete when the ESC starts, inspect the ESC and the
equipment connected.
Motor Sound
ESC status
Tone beep (Do-Re-Mi)
Self-check finished
Short beep
Battery type report
Long beep
Operation allowed
: There are three consecutive tones, Do-Re-Mi, in tone beep state of the motor. The number of short
beeps varies according to the battery type. You need to set the Jumper cap 3 first to match the type of the
battery used. When using a non-lithium battery, the short beep will only be heard once. When using a lithium
battery, the number of short beeps is determined by the number of the battery cells (For example, when 4S
lithium battery is connected to this ESC system, 4 short beeps will be heard).
5.2 Indicator light
When the power light and status light of this ESC system are always on, the ESC is operating normally. If the
power light or status light is flashing and there is no sound from the motor, you can refer to the following table
to confirm the current system states:
Indicator light
Prompt mode
System states
Green light
Always on
Battery self-test failed
Flash once every 0.2 second
Battery over-voltage warning
Flash once every second
Battery under-voltage warning
Red light
Flash once every 0.2 second
System voltage self-test failed