BH7NOR & BG6QBV Firmware and software downloads
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. SSID : please use your WIFI login account; (default : bi7nor)
. PASS : please use your WIFI login password; (default : abcd1023)
. Please click “Apply”and input the WIFI setting data into the AVRT7 plus after the
red LED (from wifi module) on the left side is on. And the AVRT7 plus would reboot
after the wifi setting is finished and it would connect to the wifi automatically. (English
alphabet and number could be only accepted.)
In case there is a system prompt as follow, that means the invalid WIFI setting and you
need to apply again until success.
WIFI Write Fail
In case there is a system prompt as follow, that menas WIFI account and password
both are correct and the system would reboot and then work normally.
WIFI Write complete
Note 4: The default wifi account is : bi7nor, the password is: abcd1023
in case fail to input the right wifi data, user could also amend their
router’s wifi account and password.
Note 5: It could be the outer RF interference that lead to the router’s
mulfunction so that AVRT7 plus fail to connect the router via wifi.
Please make sure the router’s wifi channel is on one of the
following channels : CH1, CH6, CH11, CH13.