Radijator Inženjering d.o.o, 36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića - Solunca br.6, Srbija
tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150, http://www.radijator.rs
e-mail: [email protected]
configuration 10.0 and it is not necessary to do parametrization. Parameters are stated and intended
exclusively for professionals.
Error Er56
When changing the configuration, Er56 may appear.
In that case, you should do the following:
1. Check the parameters;
2. Turn off the boiler: OFF state;
3. Turn off the power;
4. Check the wiring;
5. Turn on the power;
6. Check in monitoring whether read-outs of probes are in order;
7. Repeat the procedure if necessary.
7.6.2 Configuration 10.0
Picture 20. Configuration 10.0
If you want the configuration as shown in the picture, first set the parameter P26=10.
Work principle
Anti-freeze protection
To avoid the freezing of water, if the temperature drops below the previously defined value (Th18),
pumps P1 and P3 are activated, and the valve P2 alternately changes the position.
Run mode
The system heats buffer water if the temperature of water in the boiler is higher than the thermostat value
Th19 and if the difference between the temperature of water in the boiler and buffer water temperature is
higher than Th57.
The system heats the water in the sanitary water heater if the temperature in the sanitary water heater is
lower than Th79 and if the difference between the buffer water temperature and the temperature of water
in the sanitary water heater is higher than Th81.
When the water in the sanitary water heater has been heated (Th79), if the room temperature (provided
the room thermostat has been installed) has not been reached and if the buffer water temperature is higher
than the set temperature (Th59), the system enables home heating.
Over temperature (Overheating of the system – safety function)
If the water temperature is higher than the previously defined value (Th21 or Th25), pump P1 is activated
for safety reasons. If the buffer water temperature is higher than the previously defined value (Th78),