Radijator Inženjering d.o.o, 36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića - Solunca br.6, Srbija
tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150, http://www.radijator.rs
e-mail: [email protected]
As per the manner of combustion, boiler
Ecoflame Plus 25/30
belongs to the group of boilers in which
the mass that burns springs into the combustion chamber.
Water portion of the boiler, its mode of heat exchange between flue gases and water, is adjusted to the use
of biomass. All parts of the water portion of the boiler are made of seamless pipes of ST 35.4 quality and
boiler plates 5mm thick. Plates are of
1.0425 EU
standard or
The exchanger is a three-draft exchanger made of vertically placed pipes. Owing to three-draft system of
flue gases circulation, the boiler is highly efficient, resulting in saving energy and less pollution of the
Inside the exchanger pipes, there are spiral turbulators with dual function. The first function is to increase
the exchange of flue gases and heat exchanger, hence the efficiency of the boiler, while the second
function is to mechanically clean the pipe walls.
Picture 2
shows the turbulators which move up-down by
moving the handle left-right, thus cleaning the exchanger pipes. It is very important that this cleaning
process is performed every day.
Picture 2. Turbulators
The efficiency level of the pellets is over 91%. Flue gases temperature values can be seen on the display
at any time. During the work, the layers of soot and ash are piled on the boiler exchanger which results in
significantly weaker exchange and the increase of flue gases temperature. If the boiler is not cleaned for a
longer period of time, the flue gases temperature may rise so high that it enters into Modulation operating
- The combustion chamber works as per the principle of “volcanic” fuel supply, where fuel, i.e. pellets,
from silo rise into the feeder which transports it via two horizontal spirals in the combustion chamber
zone, that is, to the burner channel, where the pellets pile up, the channel fills in and the pellets spring in
the cup in which they burn. The cup is made of waterproof materials,
picture 3