background image


Radijator Inženjering d.o.o, 36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića

- Solunca br.6, Srbija

tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150,

e-mail: [email protected]

Possible cause 1.

Problem 1. Poor quality of pellets. Pellets are of low power, and increased humidity

The procedure for troubleshooting of Problem 1. Provide the pellet of proved quality and
test it.

Possible cause 2.

Problem 2. Air temperature (which was brought to the fireplace for firing and burning) is
extremely low (below zero ).

The process of resolving the Problem 2. Prolonging the time for preheating of heaters for
firing t02 to the range of 30 - 40 seconds.

Possible cause 3.

Problem 3. Mains voltage that is connected onto the boiler is considerably lower than
220- 230V, so the power of the heater is lower.

The process of resolving the Problem 3. Raising the time for preheating heater for firing,
t02, to the range of 30 - 40 seconds. If this measure does not work then connect the AC
Voltage adapter.

Possible cause 4.

Problem 4. The amount of pellets in the combustion chamber is insufficient to put the
boiler into operation.

The process of resolving the Problem 4. Possible mechanical problems with pellet
conveyor. Check the accuracy of dozer.

Possible cause 5.

Problem 5. There are situations in which there is a flame , but by checking the exhaust
gases it can clearly be seen that there is not enough pellets for the boiler to pass from the
stage of stabilization ( Stabilization) into operating mode ( Run mode). This occurs
because the pellet structure (length, stickiness, the amount of dust, etc.) is such that the
time t03 of fixed feeding is not sufficient.

The process of resolving the Problem 5. This problem is eliminated by extending the
time of fixed feeding, t03. Recommendation is that this time is extended cautiously, first
for ten or fifteen seconds, and if that is not enough then for another five seconds and so
on. After that, resolving the troubleshooting should be combined with the procedure from
the following item.

Содержание BIOlux 14

Страница 1: ...6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Kamin na BIOMASU BIOMASS boiler heating STOVE BIOlux 14 INSTRUKCIJE INSTRUCTION MANUAL Monta a kori...

Страница 2: ...od BIOlux 14 kamina 3 3 Radni prostor i pozicioniranje BIOlux 14 kamina 3 4 Monta a BIOlux 14 kamina na dimnjak 4 Presek BIOlux 14 kamina sa opisom elemenata 5 ema veze automatike 6 Tabela sa tehni ki...

Страница 3: ...zahteva se po tovanje slede ih op tih i posebnih sigurnosnih mera Zabranjeno je kori enje pelet kamina od strane dece i osoba sa ograni enim mogu nostima bez pratnje Zabranjeno je kori enje pelet kam...

Страница 4: ...branjen je istovremeni rad prinudne ventilacije na primer kuhinjski aspirator i pelet kamina u istoj prostoriji Ovo mo e dovesti do slabog rada ure aja ali i do curenja ugljenik monoksida koji mo e da...

Страница 5: ...standardnoj verziji Kotlovski deo sa turbulatorima podni deo sa dimovodnim kanalima i spoljna oplata sa vratima koja sadr e staklokerami ku komponentu Displej plo a automatike motor reduktor pelet tra...

Страница 6: ...ina na drveni pelet sa generatorom tople vode a koji va e u zemlji u kojoj se ure aj montira U suprotnom Radijator in enjering kao proizvo a ne preuzima odgovornost za posledice takve monta e Ukoliko...

Страница 7: ...i pritiska kao i odre en sadr aj glikola u te nosti za grejanje Ovaj sigurnosni element mora da podle e i periodi nim ponovnim ba darenjima o emu investitor tj korisnik kotla mora da poseduje validnu...

Страница 8: ...ventila Jedan je na najvi oj ta ki kotla a drugi na najvi oj ta ki sabirnika gde se ra vaju vod tople vode i ekspanziona posuda Elektro mehani ki presostat za vodu slika 5 Slika 5 Elektro mehani ki pr...

Страница 9: ...sigurnosne funkcije kao limitatori temp vode u kotlu Zbog sigurnosne uloge u funkcionisanju kotla oba termostata imaju nezavisne sonde za merenje temperature vode Prvi termostat je tzv radni i on slu...

Страница 10: provetravanja i mogu nosti povezivanja sa sve im vazduhom ili sa prostorijom koja je povezana sa spoljnim sve im vazduhom Ovo povezivanje se ostvaruje sa eli nim nezapaljivim cevima Za rad ure aja...

Страница 11: ...elici Pre nik dimovodne cevi mora da bude odgovaraju i pre niku dimnja e na izlazu a to je 80mm Zabranjeno je reducirati ovaj pre nik Dimovod se ne sme koristiti za vi e ure aja istovremeno Prilikom m...

Страница 12: ...njak pri vr en na fasadu Situacija 1 Kao dimnjak koristiti kerami ke ili metalne cevi kru nog popre nog preseka minimalnog pre nika 130mm Dimna cev obavezno mora biti izolovana Ukoliko dimnjak ve post...

Страница 13: ...kanala i dimnjaka mo e da dovede do nepravilnog rada kamina ali i do ugro avanja zdravlja ljudi pa i njihovih ivota Najve a opasnost je od otrovnih gasova koji su produkti sagorevanja U ovakvim situa...

Страница 14: ...dijator In enjering d o o 36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Slika 10 Prikaz priklju enja na di...

Страница 15: ...36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Slika 11 Prikaz preporuka gradnje dimnjaka Preporu uje se i enje dimnjaka bar jednom godi nje kako bi se smanjio rizi...

Страница 16: ...36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 4 Presek BIOlux 14 kamina sa opisom elemenata Slika 12 Pres...

Страница 17: ...or rs e mail radijator radijator rs Opis slika 12 1 Izmenjiva sa turbulatorima 2 olja za sagorevanje 3 Pepeljara 4 Dozator 5 Silos 6 Dimovodni kanali 7 Vrata 8 Oplata 9 Plotna 10 Poklopac izmenjiva a...

Страница 18: ...jering d o o 36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 5 ema povezivanja automatike Slika 13 ema povez...

Страница 19: ...alira tehni ko lice prilikom priklju enja spoljnih ure aja na automatiku kotla Sva priklju enja dodatnih ure aja tehni ko lice obavlja preko tropolnog konektora koja se nalaze na zadnjem delu kotla Tr...

Страница 20: ...ja CO pri nominalnoj toplotnoj snazi mg Nm3 160 Emisija CO pri redukovanoj toplotnoj snazi 180 Zapremina vode u kotlu L cca 24 Masa kotla kg 192 Potrebna promaja Pa 12 2 Max radni pritisak bar 2 5 Pro...

Страница 21: ...4 Radijator izmenjiva NAPOMENA U sklopu PELET kamina ulazi i pumpa i ekspanzivna posuda od 10l Prilikom monta e na hidrauli ku instalaciju kotao mora biti obezbe en na propisan na in od prekora enja...

Страница 22: ...bija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Napomena Prilikom punjenja hidrauli kog sistema obratiti pa nju na sigurnosne elemente prikazane na slici...

Страница 23: ...kom prvog paljenja dok kopiju izve taja o pu tanju kotla u rad zadr ava Garancija i upustvo za upotrebu se daje kupcu Jedan primerak garancije se alje proizvo a u Ako garancija nije ispunjena ona nije...

Страница 24: ...g d o o 36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 8 1 Displej automatike Slika 16 Slika i ematski prik...

Страница 25: ...Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Tasteri Diode Samo za vodovodne instalacije sa senzorom za merenje protoka NAPOMENA Diode...

Страница 26: ...radijator radijator rs 8 2 Kratko uputstvo za korisnika automatike Slika 17 Prikaz LCD ekrana na displeju O itavanje trenutnog stanja kamina Postupak Pritisnuti taster P6 nakon toga na ekranu se pojav...

Страница 27: ...ljuje padaju a lista slika 19 Slika 19 Prikaz i obja njenje MENI automatike Promeniti pode enu snagu kamina Postupak Pritisnuti taster P3 nakon toga na ekranu se pojavljuje padaju a lista gde je i odm...

Страница 28: ...P3 nakon toga na ekranu se pojavljuje padaju a lista gde je i odmah markirana prva opcija Chombustion Power Tasterima P4 ili P6 dolazite do opcije Boiler Thermostat Ponovo potvrditi tasterom P3 zatim...

Страница 29: ...i za odabir na ina programiranja dakle da li ete programiranje koristiti na dnevnom nivou svaki dan posebno Daily npr Ponedeljak Utorak Sreda Nedelja na nedeljnom nivou Weekly od Ponedeljka do Nedelje...

Страница 30: ...kaz displeja nakon odabira opcije MODALITY Kada ste izabrali na in programiranja automatski se vra ate na prikazu displeja Modality i Program Tasterima P4 ili P6 prelazite na opciju Program i potvr uj...

Страница 31: ...0 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Slika 23 Prikaz displeja nakon odabira opcije Weekly Slika 24 Prikaz displeja nakon odabira opcije Week end 8 3 Start rada BIOlux 14 kamina KORAK...

Страница 32: ...a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs KORAK 3 Uklju iti kamin prekida se nalazi sa zadnje strane kamina Slika 25 Prikaz pozici...

Страница 33: ...orevanje Nakon toga tako e tasterom P4 ili P6 prelazite sa ON na OFF potvrditi sa tasterom P3 Dozator tada staje sa radom Tasterom P1 iza ite iz podmenija Slika 26 Prikaz displeja prilikom odabira fun...

Страница 34: ...i sa isklju enim sistemom Er02 Gre ka pa ljivo visoki napon 2 Samo ako je ventilator uklju en Er03 Gre ka Ga enje kada je temperature dimovodnih gasova ispod predvi ene Er04 Gre ka Ga enje kada je tem...

Страница 35: ...nage pove ane vla nosti Postupak za re avanje PROBLEMA 1 Uzeti pelet proverenog kvaliteta i probati Mogu uzrok 2 PROBLEM 2 Temperatura vazduha koji je doveden kaminu za sagorevanje i potpalu je izuzet...

Страница 36: ...poruka je da to radite oprezno Mogu e je ovaj postupak kombinovati sa re enjem iz prethodne ta ke Mogu uzrok 7 PROBLEM 7 Kotao je povezan sa sobnim termostatom Pove anjem zadate temperature na sobnom...

Страница 37: je pove ati snage ventilatora u svim re imima i to preko funkcije kalibracije Calibration Exhaust fan Mogu uzrok 3 PROBLEM 3 Kamin radi ali u toku rada dolazi do zastoja i signalizacije na displeju...

Страница 38: ...o istiti naslage na zidovima samog lo i ta Ovim dobijamo bolji stepen prenosa jer jedan milimetar naslaga katrana i a i smanjuje provodnost za 5 Jednom u dve nedelje potrebno je otvoriti i gornji pokl...

Страница 39: in obavezno konzervirati kotao na kraju grejne sezone U toj situaciji zatvoriti i sve otvore na kotlu da ne do e do cirkulacije vazduha kroz kotao jer i tako mo e do i do pojave vlage u kotlu Odr a...

Страница 40: ...zvo a Radijator in enjering Serijski broj kotla primer N 170616003 Godina proizvodnje primer 2016 Tip kotla BIOlux 14 Nominalna toplotna snaga 11 90kW Snaga u radijatorima 10 45kW Snaga u zra enje 1 4...

Страница 41: ...adijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 8 7 Nalepnica Na kaminu se nalaze nalepnice za ozna avanje priklju aka kao i nalepnice za opasnost od strujnog udara nalepnice za emu povezivanja i dr Nalepni...

Страница 42: 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 3 Nalepnica ema povezivanja 148mm x 210mm Nalepnice koje ozna avaju prisistvo struje visokog napo...

Страница 43: ...vo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 2 Nalepnica Napon opasan po ivot VE A 100mm x 150mm 3 Nalepnica Uzemljen...

Страница 44: ...140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Nalepnice koje ozna avaju upozorenje 1 Nalepnica Izlo eni pokretni delovi mogu izazvati povrede 30mm x 80mm 2 Nalepnica Obave...

Страница 45: ...5 Radijator In enjering d o o 36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Nalepnice sa tehni kim podacim...

Страница 46: ...36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 8 8 Proizvo a RADIJATOR In enjering D O O ivojina Lazi a Sol...

Страница 47: ...isnik mora da se pridr ava navedenih uputstava o kori enju i odr avanju videti ta ku 8 2 Garancijska izjava Izjavljujemo da proizvod ima propisana i deklarisana kvalitetna svojstva Obavezujemo se da e...

Страница 48: ...e ne odradi redovan servis za zamenu delova kod redovnog godi njeg odr avanja u skladu sa uputstvima kod kvarova koje je na inio kupac zbog nestru nog rukovanja proizvodom kod mehani kih kvarova na in...

Страница 49: ...u na jo 12 meseci na telo kotla izmenjiva Garancija se mo e produ iti do 5 god od datuma pu tanja u rad Servis i produ enje servisa mo e da obavlja lice koje alje centralni servis Radijator in enjerin...

Страница 50: BIOlux 14 Boiler Heating Stove 3 4 Instalation of BIOlux 14 Boiler Heating Stove onto chimney 4 Cross section of BIOlux 14 Boiler Heating Stove with discription of boiler heatinh stove elements 5...

Страница 51: ...sary to observe the following general and specific safety measures The use of the pellet boiler heating stove by the children and people with limited capabilities without accompaniment is not allowed...

Страница 52: ...oking 1 1 Minimum distance from flammable materials Provide adequate distance from flammable materials if necessary to ensure the protection of the same Minimum distance from flammable materials is re...

Страница 53: ...the standard version Boiler Stove portion together with the turbulance devices the floor portion with the flue gas outlets and the outer casing with doors contain glass ceramic component Display auto...

Страница 54: ...installed otherwise the Co Radijator Engineering as the manufacturer takes no responsibility for the consequences of such installation If a change in the design especially with the safety devices lea...

Страница 55: ...rt term overdrafts and temperatures and pressure as well as the content in the liquid glycol for heating This safety element must be subjected to periodic re calibration of which the investor i e the...

Страница 56: ...curity group includes vent valve On this unit there are two such valves One is on the highest point of the boiler and the other at the highest point of the collector at the point of branching pipe hot...

Страница 57: to serious health problems and even choking of users Thermostats in the automation of the boiler figure 7 Figure 7 Thermostats in the automation of the boiler Within the automation itself that lead...

Страница 58: ...tap for filling and empting should be installed at the lowest point of the system Since there is no connection for filling and emptying on the stove itself the tap should be connected to the lowest po...

Страница 59: ...on and connectivity with fresh air or with a room that is connected to external fresh air This connection is made with non combustible steel pipes For the operation of the unit the power supply of 230...

Страница 60: ...and stainless steel Diameter of the flue pipe must be appropriate to the diameter of the flue outlet being 80mm Reducing this diameter is not allowed The flue outlet must not be used for multiple heat...

Страница 61: ...the facade Situation 1 The chimney uses ceramic or metal pipes of circular cross section of 130mm diameter Flue pipe must be insulated If the chimney already exists and is of square cross section the...

Страница 62: ...malfunction of the pellet Boiler heating Stove and endangering to human health and even to endangering of their lives The biggest danger is from the toxic gases which are the products combustion proc...

Страница 63: ...d o o 36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Figure 10 Installation of flue gas channels and fresh...

Страница 64: ...381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Figure 11 Preview recommended construction of the chimney To prevent risk of the fire in the chimney user should clean the chimney a...

Страница 65: ...36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 4 Cross section of BIOlux 14 Boiler Heating Stove with discription of boiler heatinh stove elements Figure 12 Cross se...

Страница 66: ...2 1 Exchanger with turbulators 2 Combustion chamber 3 Ashtray 4 Feeding system 5 Silos 6 Flue exhaust duct 7 Door 8 Jacket of complete boiler heating stove 9 Top of boiler heating stove 10 Cover for c...

Страница 67: ...o o 36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 5 Schematic connection of automation Figure 13 Schemati...

Страница 68: ...n when connecting the external devices onto the automation system of the boiler All the connections of the additional devices are performed by the technician through connectors located at the rear of...

Страница 69: nominal heat output mg Nm3 160 CO emission at reduced heat output 180 Volume of water in the boiler stove L cca 24 Mass of boiler stove kg 192 Necessary chimney draft Pa 12 2 Working pressure bar...

Страница 70: ...e 14 1 PELLET stove 2 Pump 3 Expansion vessel 4 Exchanger NOTE In assembly of boiler heating stove includes pump and ekpansion vessel 10l In an assembly the boiler should be properly protected against...

Страница 71: ...rbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Note When filling the Hydraulic system pay attention to security elements shown in Figures 15 Figure 15...

Страница 72: ...mmissioning of the boiler in operation is retained Guarantee and instruction manual are given to the customer One copy of Guarantee is sent to the manufacturer If the guarantee is not filled in it is...

Страница 73: ...ring d o o 36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 8 1 Control panel Figure 16 Figure and diagram of...

Страница 74: ...ljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Buttons Led NOTE Diodes L4 L5 L6 L7 L10 and L12 are not in operation...

Страница 75: ...jator rs 8 2 Short manual for automatic control Figure 17 View of LCD screen on display Reading of the current situation Procedure Press the key P6 after that on the display the Information are shown...

Страница 76: ...lling list Figure 19 Figure 19 View and explanation of the MENU of automation system Change the adjusted power of Pellet Boiler Heating Stove Procedure Press the key P3 after that the falling list is...

Страница 77: ...Press the key P3 after that the falling list is shown on the display where the first option is automatically marked Combustion Power With Keys P4 or P6 you come to the option Boiler Thermostat Confir...

Страница 78: ...dality option serves to select the manner of programming so whether you will use the programming on a daily basis every day separately Daily Example Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday on a weekly basis...

Страница 79: ...f display after the selection of the option MODALITY When you have chosen the manner of programming automatically you return to the view on display Modality and Program With keys P4 or P6 you pass to...

Страница 80: ...of display after selection of the option Weekly Figure 24 View of display after selection of the option Week end 8 3 Start of work of BIOlux 14 boiler heating stove STEP 1 Pellet boiler heating stove...

Страница 81: ...the first grains of the pellet might fall into the combustion cup space This procedure can be applied only when the Automation system is in OFF mode Figure 17 state of regime Procedure Press the key...

Страница 82: ...The same procedure is used for extinguishing the Boiler Stove so by a prolonged pressing of the key P2 until the beep sound is heard then on the display is the text Extinguish Figure 17 State of syst...

Страница 83: ...boiler has already been in operation process the display is there is a notification on the display Run Mode but after reaching the set temperature and rest mode it loses the continuity of combustion...

Страница 84: ...seconds If this measure does not work then connect the AC Voltage adapter Possible cause 4 Problem 4 The amount of pellets in the combustion chamber is insufficient to put the boiler into operation Th...

Страница 85: ...phase Ignition and there is not activation of the firing heater The process of resolving the Problem 7 Check whether the temperature in the room is really lower than the set temperature Also check ti...

Страница 86: the fan power in all modes through the function of calibration Calibration exhaust fan Possible cause 3 Problem 2 Heating boiler Stove works but in the course of work there comes to a stoppage and...

Страница 87: the deposits on the walls of the firebox By this we provide a better transfer as one millimeter layer of tar and soot decreases the conductivity by 5 Once in a month it is necessary to open the top...

Страница 88: ...the heating season In this situation close all openings of the boiler to prevent the circulation of air through the boiler as the moisture can occur in the boiler as well Maintenance of the boiler is...

Страница 89: ...anufacturer Radijator In enjering Serial number of boiler primer N 170616003 Year of product primer 2016 Type of boiler BIOlux 14 Nominal heat output 11 90kW Heat output water 10 45kW Heat output wate...

Страница 90: ...e mail radijator radijator rs 8 7 Sticker On BIOlux 14 pellet boiler heating stove there are stickers identifying the connections as well as labels against the risk of electric shock stickers for sch...

Страница 91: ...a br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 3 Sticker Hydraulic scheme 148mm x 210mm Labels that indicate the presence of electricity high v...

Страница 92: ...ina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 2 Sticker Hayardous voltage BIGGER 100mm x 150mm 3 Sticker Safety electrical co...

Страница 93: ...140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Labels that indicate warning 1 Sticker Exposed Exposed moving parts can couse seveire injury 30mm x 80mm 2 Sticker Only an a...

Страница 94: ...94 Radijator In enjering d o o 36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Labels with technical data...

Страница 95: ...000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 8 8 Manufactured RADIJATOR In enjering D O O ivojina Lazi a So...

Страница 96: ...the room thermostat the characteristics of the power supply which must be within certain limits 1 5 The user must follow the following instructions on how to use and maintain the boiler see item 8 2...

Страница 97: ...r servicing is not performed the replacement of parts in the regular annual maintenance in accordance with the instructions when failures are made by the purchaser due to improper handling of the prod...

Страница 98: performed by a person sent by the Central Service of the Co Radiator engineering For not changed parts after the servicing work the service guarantee is not valid dismantling of pellet conveyor fro...

Страница 99: ..._________________________________ pe at stamp Adresa Address to Telefon Phone Datum prodaje Date of Sale Potrosa ima sva prava na osnovu Zakona o za titi potro a a Sl glasnik RS br erbia62 2014 Garanc...
