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TC-800 | TC-1100 Radar Speed Sign Installation Manual MN0035 v23.02
Mounting the Radar Speed Sign to a Round Pole
The pivot mounting bracket comes standard with the TC-800 & TC-1100 models. The sign
housing bracket is built directly into the radar speed sign housing so only the pole side bracket
requires installation
The installation hardware kit for the sign includes the pole side bracket
and the sign installation hardware (bolts, screws, nuts, washers, cover plates)
Attach the pole side bracket to the pole. Depending on what type of pole you are
using, bolts or banding can be used.
When you are ready to hang the sign onto the pole, place
the ¼”x 4” bolt (supplied)
into the top hole of the housing bracket.
faceplate or the batteries to the radar speed sign until it
is mounted on the pole.
It will be much easier to mount
the radar sign without additional weight of the batteries.
people, lift the sign and place the bolt into the U-
slot on the pole bracket. This will hold the sign so that the
side bolts (supplied) can be installed.
Install a hex head bolt (1/4” x 5/8” length) > lock washer > flat washer
(supplied) into each of the two holes on both sides of bracket.
Once the sign is securely installed and the angle of the sign is adjusted to
accommodate road conditions (uphill or downhill), the 4” bolt from the top hole
can be removed.
Tighten the 4 bolts, 2 bolts each side, to secure the sign.
Installation Hardware Kit
Install supplied
bolts and
washers on
each side of