Important: From this instant and up to returning back to the Main Menu, all control shall
be made from the keyboard only. This is made specifically for convenient use of the
computer in the field condition. In the Data Acquisition dialog box, use keys
select Setup and press Enter or Space.
5. Enter
menu. Once
is activated, the screen shows
dialog box and set all the parameters the same as on the picture below. Menu options are selected
using cursor keys and Enter or Space. At the first run signal may be not seen or located not in the
same position as on picture. To set correct position of signal enter
Pulse delay
menu item and
press “
” key on keyboard to start automatic adjustment. Just adjustment is finished press Enter
and then
setup menu.
Fig. 5. Setup menu.
Important: Zond-12e 500A GPR has built-in deactivating mechanism, i.e. transmitter is
switched ON only when operator enters SETUP menu item or START data acquisition.
Transmitter switches OFF immediately after operator STOP data acquisition or leaves
SETUP menu item.
2.3. Data acquisition.
Before to start survey please put Ethernet cable into groove on housing case wall and then close
housing GPR case as it is shown on Fig.6. If Ethernet cable is too short it is possible to add one
more cable using the coupler included in accessories kit.