This user manual and technical documentation is intended for engineers and technicians
involved in the software and hardware setup of the WaveGuide 5 Height and Tide System,
Compact version (WG5-HT-CP).
All connections to the instrument must be made with shielded cables with exception of the
mains. The shielding must be grounded on both ends of the cable. For more information
regarding wiring and cable specifications, please refer to Chapter 2.
Legal aspects
The mechanical and electrical installation shall only be carried out by trained personnel with
knowledge of the local requirements and regulations for installation of electronic equipment.
The information in this installation guide is the copyright property of Radac BV, the
Radac BV disclaims any responsibility for personal injury or damage to equipment caused
• Deviation from any of the prescribed procedures.
• Execution of activities that are not prescribed.
• Neglect of the general safety precautions for handling tools and use of electricity.
The contents, descriptions and specifications in this installation guide are subject to change
without notice. Radac BV accepts no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this
user manual.
Additional information
Please do not hesitate to contact Radac or its representative if you require additional