In Bridge mode, the protocol on Radio channel does not have the collision avoidance capability. There
is CRC check of data integrity, i.e. once a message is delivered, it is 100% error free.
All the messages received from user interfaces (ETH&COM's) are immediately transmitted to Radio
channel, without any checking or processing.
The whole network of RipEX units behaves like a standard Ethernet network bridge, so the Eth-
ernet interface IP address itself is not significant. Each ETH interface automatically learns which devices
(MAC addresses) lie in the local LAN and which devices are accessible via the Radio channel. Con-
sequently only the Ethernet frames addressed to remote devices are physically transmitted on the
Radio channel. This arrangement saves the precious RF spectrum from extra load which would otherwise
be generated by local traffic in the LAN (the LAN to which the respective ETH interface is connected).
all frames received from COM1(2) are broadcast over Radio channel and transmitted
to all COM's (COM1 as well as COM2) on all units within the network, the other COM on the source
RipEX excluding.
Frame closing (COM1,2)
List box: Idle, Stream
Default = Idle
Received frames on COM1 (COM2) are closed when gap between bytes is longer than the Idle
value set in COM1,2 settings and transmitted to Radio channel afterwards.
List box: Off, On.
Default = Off
Each RipEX may work simultaneously as a Repeater (Relay) in addition to the standard Bridge
operation mode..
If "
", every frame received from the Radio channel is transmitted to the respective user interface
(ETH,COM1,2) and to the Radio channel again.
The Bridge functionality is not affected, i.e. only frames whose recipients belong to the local
LAN are transmitted from the ETH interface.
It is possible to use more than one Repeater within a network. To eliminate the risk of creating
a loop, the "Number of repeaters" has to be set in all units in the network, including the Repeater
units themselves.
Number of repeaters
Default = 0
If there is a repeater (or more of them) in the network, the total number of repeaters within the
network MUST be set in all units in the network, including the Repeater units themselves. After
transmitting to or receiving from the Radio channel, further transmission (from this RipEX) is
blocked for a period calculated to prevent collision with a frame transmitted by a Repeater.
Furthemore, a copy of every frame transmitted to or received from the Radio channel is stored
(for a period). Whenever a duplicate of a stored frame is received, it is discarded to avoid possible
looping. These measures are not taken when the parameter "Number of repeaters" is zero, i.e.
in a network without repeaters.
TX delay [ms]
Default = 0
It delays forwarding of all frames from user interfaces (ETH&COM's) to the Radio channel for
the set time. The set value should be equal to the transmitting time of the longest message.
This should be used when e.g. all sub-stations (RTU's) reply to a broadcast query from the
master station. In such a case a massive collisions would take place, because all sub-stations
(RTU's) would reply more or less in the same instant. In order to prevent such a collision, TX
© RACOM s.r.o. – RipEX Radio modem & Router
Advanced Configuration