Send continually — starts transmitting pings continuously - a few of seconds later the screen re-
freshes automatically. For next refresh use the button Refresh log.
Stop — stops transmitting
Refresh log — updates the
Ping activity log
Ping activity log — standard infor RSS (received signal strength). The message
rss NA
is caused by very strong signals around -50dBm. There are separate records for transmitted and
received pings.
2.6. Error log
When the radio modem is in operation packet processing messages are generated:
Fig. 2.3: Error log
Overwiev of reports RR_FPGA_WARN:
TX busy -> new packet discarded
(for IP only)
A new request for transmission is discarded because transmission is currently taking place.
TXbuf full - timeout!
A TX_STOP signal didn't arrive from FPGA.
Input buffer store timeout. Old packet discarded.
© RACOM s.r.o. – Narrowband radio modem ECONOMY RE400