Ignore Double Distance Laps
By default (Disabled), a new reference lap will be created if the lap distance is more than double the stored reference
lap. This is useful if you are perhaps warming up on a smaller part of a longer circuit (for example the Nurburgring circuit
and Nordschleife) and you want the reference lap to update once you have moved on to the longer circuit.
Alternatively, this option can be
, meaning that the reference lap will not update when the lap distance is more
than double the stored reference lap. This can be useful in circumstances such as when the in-lap may cover more than
double the distance of the reference lap.
Selecting the
Screenshot Button
will save a full image of what is shown on screen to the inserted SD card. If the screenshot has been saved
successfully, the LEDs will illuminate
in sequence from left to right to display the progress of writing to the SD
card. When screen capture is complete, VBOX Touch will emit an audible confirmation notification. If the screenshot has
been saved unsuccessfully, for example no SD card is inserted or the card is full, the
SD Card Icon
at the top of the
screen will flash 3 times and VBOX Touch will emit an audible error notification.
A captured image is saved as a 1.5 MB bitmap image, orientated at 90° to the original screen image, with the
prefix '
– NEVER remove the SD card when a screenshot is being taken, it could cause the unit to crash!
Lap History
A history of the lap results can be viewed by selecting the
Results Button
at the bottom of the screen.
Lap results will display until the
is pressed.