For indoor/outdoor use, it is important that the origin of the VBOX IPS matches a global coordinate system to ensure
there is a smooth transition between GPS and VBOX IPS position.
The enter value of the origin should be a georeferenced location that is the 0,0 point from which all VBOX IPS beacon
measurements are taken from.
Rotation Angle
As well as a georeferenced origin, it is also important that the VBOX IPS x/y measurements are rotated correctly into a
‘North up’ frame.
The entered value in the rotation angle should be the bearing of the track direction, in degrees from North.
For indoor use only, the rotation angle should be set to 0.
Indoor or Indoor/Outdoor
Choose whether the expected use will be indoors only, or indoors and outdoors.
VB3i or Stand alone
Although VBOX IPS can be connected to a VB3i, there is also the option to use the system without a VBOX, called
‘stand alone’.
When in stand alone mode, the VBOX IPS will generate a 100 Hz PPS output that other equipment may use for
synchronisation. When in VB3i mode, this pin becomes an input and should be connected to the PPS from the VBOX.
Each VBOX IPS installation will contain a number of beacons. In this section of the software, it is possible to set the
Beacon IDs that will be used as well as the x,y,z distances to the origin.