Function List
Available Option
Set the time zone so that the time will
be automatically changed to the time
zone’s time when it receive the GPS.
The default one is GMT.
GMT / GMT+01:00 /
GMT+02:00 / GMT+03:00
/ GMT+04:00 / GMT+05:00
/ GMT+06:00 / GMT+07:00
/ GMT+08:00 / GMT+09:00
/ GMT+10:00 / GMT+11:00
/ GMT+12:00 / GMT+13:00
/ GMT-01:00 / GMT-02:00
/ GMT-03:00 / GMT-04:00
/ GMT-05:00 / GMT-06:00
/ GMT-07:00 / GMT-08:00
/ GMT-09:00 / GMT-10:00
/ GMT-11:00 / GMT-12:00
Turn On / Off Wi-Fi hotspot.
On / Off / Wifi Password
This option displays the current
firmware number of the Dash Cam.
This information may be important
for service and support
This option sets the Dash Cam to
the original factory default settings.
Note: The wifi wouldn’t recovery to
the default off status.
General Settings
Formats the inserted micro SD card.
YES - Selecting this option completes
the format process.
NO - Select this to abort the format
and return to the previous menu.
Warning: ALL Videos and photos can’t
be recovered once the Micro SD card
is formatted.
Time Zone
Wifi Dash Cam
Format Card