Distributor of Digi International: Excellent Integrated System Limited
Datasheet of 101-0453 - MODULE RABBITCORE RCM2300
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Getting Started Manual
1. I
& O
The RabbitCore RCM2300 is a very small advanced core mod-
ule that incorporates the powerful Rabbit 2000
sor, flash memory, static RAM, and digital I/O ports, all on a
PCB that is just 1.15" × 1.60" (29.2 mm × 40.6 mm).
1.1 RCM2300 Description
The RCM2300 is a very small core module that packs the processing power of a Rabbit
microprocessor into 1.84 square inches (11.9 cm
). Two 26-pin headers bring out
the Rabbit 2000 I/O bus lines, address lines, data lines, parallel ports, and serial ports.
The RCM2300 receives its +5 V power from the user board on which it is mounted. The
RCM2300 can interface with all kinds of CMOS-compatible digital devices through the
user board.
The RCM2300 takes full advantage of the following Rabbit 2000 and other built-in features:
fast, efficient instruction set.
five 8-bit timers cascadable in pairs, one 10-bit timer with 2 match registers that each
have an interrupt.
watchdog timer.
57 I/O (including general-purpose I/O, address lines, data lines, and control lines on
headers, and 11 I/O on through-hole connectors).
256K of nonvolatile flash memory to store applications written for the RCM2300.
128K of battery-backable SRAM.
fast 22.1 MHz clock speed.
provision for onboard backup battery.
four serial ports.
Another RabbitCore module can be used to reprogram an RCM2300. This reprogramming
(and debugging) can be done via the Internet using Z-World’s RabbitLink network pro-
gramming gateway or with Ethernet-equipped RabbitCore modules using Dynamic C’s
DeviceMate features.
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