Connecting Hosts
This chapter describes how to connect data and management hosts to controller
enclosures. It contains the following sections:
“Host System Requirements” on page 31
“Connecting the Enclosure Directly to Data Hosts” on page 32
“Connecting Remote Management Hosts” on page 34
Host System Requirements
Data hosts connected to controller enclosures must meet the following requirements:
To configure an HBA that is directly attached to controller enclosure host ports,
set the HBA parameters as specified in your storage system’s
release notes
. This
ensures the HBA can identify the system.
Depending on your system configuration, data host operating systems may
require that multipathing is supported.
If fault tolerance is required, then multipathing software may be required. Host-
based mutipath software should be used in any configuration where two logical
paths between the host and nay storage volume may exist at the same time. This
would include most configurations where there are multiple connections to the
host or multiple connections between a switch and the storage.
For information on installing the R/Evolution MPIO DSM, see
Optional Software for Microsoft Windows Server
available at the following
To prevent Microsoft Windows
data hosts from displaying the Found New
Hardware Wizard when the storage system is discovered, install the R/Evolution
SCSI Enclosure Services driver. For more information, see “Installing the
R/Evolution SES Driver for Microsoft Windows Hosts” on page 32.