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  uSeR MANuAl  



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whAt’S iNcluded 

(in the box)

1  Refuel base unit
2  Refuel sensor (with built-in magnetic back)
3  Four AA alkaline batteries
4  Screwdriver


1  Allows you to monitor your propane  

tank from your smartphone

2  Magnetic sensor sticks to grill or tank;  

tap it to display propane level 

3  App tracks average grill length,  

tank life, and grills per tank

4  Sends you mobile alerts when you’re 

running low over any Wi-Fi® network

5  Works on all grills with non-hanging 

propane tanks

Place tank on base 

to MonItoR YoUR 

tank bY WeIGHt

taP sensoR 

to DIsPlaY 

PRoPane leVel 


oVeR anY

WI-fI netWoRk

RequiRed fOR uSe 

(not included in box)

1  Wi-Fi®
2  Mobile device with Internet access
3  Wink app
4  Standard 20 lb. propane tank for outdoor 

grills with non-hanging tanks
