3.1 Connecting the AC/DC Smart Inverter
Your QuietCool Solar Attic Fan includes an AC/DC power inverter. This inverter is used to run the solar attic fan at
nighttime when there is no sunlight.
Simply plug the solar inverter from your fan into a 110v outlet in your attic. The Smart Inverter will automatically
switch between AC power and DC solar power depending on the level of sunlight present.
If you do not want to use the AC/DC Smart Inverter, simply leave the fan unplugged. The fan will still run anytime there
is sunlight and the temperature is above 75° F.
4.1 How to Operate
QuietCool Attic Fans work almost everywhere, almost anytime. During the summer, an attic can be 40-50 degrees
hotter than the outside temperature, which in turn heats up the house much faster. With an attic fan, you can cool the
attic to the same temperature as it is outside, greatly reducing the house from heating up as quickly.
The best part about a QuietCool Solar Attic fan is that you never have to think about it! Since it runs off solar power, it
will turn on whenever the attic temperature is above 75° F.
At nighttime, the fan will continue to run if you connected the QuietCool AC/DC Smart Inverter. This gives you cooling
capability 24/7.